inside : out


1. with the inner surface turned outward.

‘Inside : Out” is an excavation of layers through multiple projects. It is a journey into the inside and underneath, revealing secrets from the past and messages for the future. It is an uncovering of layers, both of the earth and human kind.

Project 1 : Inner Life

How does OIL and WATER mix with the REAL and IMAGINED?

Working with 'Openings in the Landscape’, I am continuing to explore the relationship between perception and reality while experimenting with new materials- oil and gouache on arches oil paper.

Project 2 : In the Anthropocene

What does it mean to be ‘in’ the Anthropocene?

A different way in, another investigation into place - In the late summer of 2020 I buried 12 figurative sculptures under layers of accumulating compost. Allowing the earth to color their skin, I will unbury them in a years time. Threading them together, navel by navel, this council of beings will engage a deeper dialogue with the ‘inner landscape’.

A forthcoming series of paintings will follow this initial research into the ‘underland’. In its current phase, I am experimenting with mediums and materials- mixing my own paints from wild harvested pigments. Collecting, labeling, and playing with different binders and mediums, these paints will be used for upcoming larger scale works on canvas.

Inspired by the work of- Robert McFarlane- UnderLand: a Deep Time Journey, David Abram- Becoming Animal, Joanna Macy- World As Lover World As Self, Bill Plotkin- Nature and The Human Soul, and Christopher Rothko- Mark Rothko, FROM THE INSIDE OUT.


into : visible


thresh : hold